DragonLance Preludes II Volume 2 – Flint The King

In Flint the King by Mary Kirchoff and Douglas Niles we follow the story of Flint as he visits his home before the Chronicles trilogy kicks off.

It was really interesting to me because we get a fairly deep dive into the dwarven culture and learn more about their love of crafting and creating things. It is really deeply rooted in who they are.

We open with Flint just enjoying alone (before he travels to his homeland) and realize that he really is aging and not as adventurous as he might have been when he was younger. He is really more the reluctant hero in many ways.

As he travels he finds that this new Seeker group who claim to be religious and offering people chances at and afterlife, claiming to believe in the “new Gods” are really just kind of bullies that take taxes or donations from people that aren’t really all that voluntary. In Flint’s mind that makes them not to be trusted. These religious zealots have none of the healing powers of the clerics of old, and business owners view them as an absolute annoyance.

As he considers traveling to his homeland we find that Flint hasn’t really been around other Dwarves for years, and as he runs into one he finds that things in the homeland aren’t what they were, that annoys him into going and checking it out.

As Flint travels we see that he really doesn’t mind traveling, what bothers him is other people. We get the impression he is really just a recluse who would rather be left along than thrust into some leadership role.

We do in this book learn why he was invited into the Elven homeland and how he met Tania, which was an interesting side bit of his character backstory. It also serves to show just how respected Flint Fireforge is around Krynn.

Once we reach his homeland we find things are much different, his brother has been murdered and the entire village is not as he left it at all. Now change happens but apparently Dwarves are too stubborn to change quickly. That leads to some great action as Flint has to figure out what the heck is really going on.

There is more discussion in the video on my YouTube channel, but all in all this book I really enjoyed. I kept looking for time to read (I may have snuck the book into a football game which annoyed my fiancé just a little). Highly recommended for any DragonLance fan!

DragonLance Chronicles Vol 2 Dragons of Winter Night

This classic novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman is filled with action, suspense, and a captivating story line that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

One of the main characters in this book is Raistlin Majere, a powerful mage who is determined to become the most powerful wizard in all of Krynn. Raistlin is a complex character who is both a hero and an anti-hero. He is often seen as a villain due to his ambition and ruthlessness, but he is also capable of great compassion and loyalty. Raistlin’s journey to become the most powerful wizard in Krynn is one of the main focuses of the novel and is sure to keep readers engaged.

In addition to Raistlin, the novel also features a wide range of other characters, including the heroic Tanis Half-Elven, the brave Caramon Majere, and the mysterious Kitiara Uth Matar. Each of these characters has their own unique motivations and goals, and their interactions with each other create a captivating story.

If you’re looking for an exciting adventure that will keep you hooked for hours, Dragons of Winter Night is the perfect book for you. With its complex characters, thrilling plot, and captivating story line, this novel is sure to be an unforgettable experience. So don’t wait any longer – pick up Dragons of Winter Night and start your adventure today!

This book, like Dragons of Autumn Twilight, has a little bit of art before every chapter that foreshadows something about to happen. I did my best to capture many of those.

Please, if you have not read the Chronicles Trilogy (which later grew to four books) pick it up today. Start with Dragons of Autumn Twilight, you won’t be disappointed.

Intro art to book 1

Chapter 1 White-winged ships. Hope lies across the Plains of Dust.

Chapter 2 Between mater and dragon. Dismal journey.

Chapter 3 Tarsis the beautiful

Chapter 4 Arrested! The heroes are separated. An ominous farewell.

Chapter 5 The riot. Tas disappears. Alan Starbreeze.

Chapter 6 Knights of Solamnia. Tasslehoff’s glasses of true seeing.

Chapter 7 “-not destined to meet again in this world.”

Chapter 8 Escape from Tarsis. The story of the dragon orbs.

Chapter 9 Silvanesti. Entering the dream.

Chapter 10 Waking dreams. Future visions.

Chapter 11 The dream ends. The nightmare begins.

Chapter 12 Visions shared. The death of Lorac.

Intro art to book 2

Chapter 1 The flight from Ice Wall.

Chapter 2 The White Dragon. Captured!

Chapter 3 The Speaker of the Suns. Laurana’s decision.

Chapter 4 River of the Dead. The legend of the Silver Dragon.

Chapter 5 Silvara

Chapter 6 Pursuit. A desperate plan.

Chapter 7 Dark journey.

Chapter 8 The Tomb of Huma.

Chapter 9 The Kender’s startling discovery.

Chapter 10 Silvara’s secret.

Book 3 intro art

Chapter 1 The Red Wizard and His Wonderful Illusions!

Chapter 2 The Knight’s Trials

Chapter 3 The dragon orb. Caramon’s pledge.

Chapter 4 Yuletide guests.

Chapter 5 Gnomeflingers

Chapter 6 The Council of Whitestone. An important person.

Chapter 7 An unexpected journey

Chapter 8 The Perechon. Memories of long ago.

Chapter 9 Tanis captured.

Chapter 10 The High Clerist’s Tower. The knighting.

Chapter 11 Death on the plains. Tasslehoff’s discovery.

Chapter 12 The sun rises. Darkness descends.

Chapter 13 The sun rises. Darkness descends.

Chapter 14 Dragon orb. Dragonlance.

I love these books, and the artwork is no small part of that love.


DragonLance Chronicles Vol 1 Dragons of Autumn Twilight

I previously did a post with an in depth look at the major characters from Dragons of Autumn Twilight. In this post I want to really get into the story, and world building capabilities of these authors.

DragonLance itself as a Fantasy World now has more than 200 books. This was the first, and I came across it as a teenager in a bookstore when only two books existed in the world of Krynn. At the time fantasy novels existed in a tiny little section of the bookstores and really didn’t have the grip they now have on reader’s attention. I think they offer a great escape from daily life into a land of, mostly, make believe.

It is an exciting and captivating fantasy novel? This classic novel offers an incredible blend of character and world development, making it an unforgettable read.

The story follows the adventures of a group of friends as they embark on a quest to save the world from an evil group of people leading new creatures known as Draconians and bringing evil Dragons back to Krynn to dominate the land.

The characters are incredibly well-developed, with each one having their own unique motivations and personalities. The world of Krynn is also beautifully crafted, with a rich history and culture that will draw you in and keep you engaged, but remains a page-turner while executing the story and world building.

The novel also features intense battles and thrilling action sequences that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a compelling story and unforgettable characters, Dragons of Autumn Twilight is sure to be an entertaining and satisfying read. So don’t wait any longer – pick up your copy today and get ready for an epic journey!

Dragons of Autumn Twilight can be found on Amazon or any bookstore (click the link). It is even available on audible.

It also has some fantastic artwork at the start of each chapter that does a little foreshadowing of what you are about to read. I think it really adds to the overall readability in ways, and certainly enhances the enjoyment.

I think these authors when they work together are at the top of the genre. You can argue where in the top 5 fantasy authors they belong, but they are in that top 5 of all time.

I have a lot of art from this book, I think I captured something from each chapter, and mine does have the original cover art from way back in the 1980s. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have.

I have a challenge with my kids that we are going to read all 200+ books in the series, and we will attempt to do a post about each one. So come back! There will be more.

The novel is divided into two interior books, or acts.

The intro art to book 1.

Chapter 1 Old friends meet. A rude interruption.

Chapter 2 Return to the Inn. A Shock. The oath is Broken.

Chapter 3 Knights of Solamnia. The old man’s party.

Chapter 4 The open door. Flight into darkness.

Chapter 5 Farewell to Flint. Arrow’s fly. Message in the stars.

Chapter 6 Night in a cave. Dissension. Tanis decides.

Chapter 7 The story of the staff. Strange clerics. Eerie feelings.

Chapter 8 Search for truth. Unexpected answers.

Chapter 9 Flight! The white stag.

Chapter 10 Darken wood. The dead walk. Raistlin’s magic.

Chapter 11 The Forestmaster. A peaceful interlude.

Chapter 12 Winged sleep. Smoke in the east. Dark memories.

Chapter 13 Chill dawn. Vine bridges. Dark water.

Chapter 14 Prisoners of the draconians.

Chapter 15 Escape. The well. Death on black wings.

Chapter 16 A bitter choice. The greatest gift.

Chapter 17 The Paths of the Dad. Raistlin’s new friends.

Chapter 18 Fight at the lift. Bupu’s cure for a cough.

Chapter 19 The broken city. Highball Phudge I, the Great.

Chapter 20 The Highbulp’s map. The spellbook of Fistandantilus.

Chapter 21 The sacrifice. The twice-dead city.

Chapter 22 Bupu’s gift. An ominous sight.

The intro art to Book 2

Chapter 1 Night of the dragons.

Chapter 2 The stranger. Captured!

Chapter 3 The slave caravan. A strange old magician.

Chapter 4 Rescued! Fizban’s magic.

Chapter 5 The Speaker of the Suns.

Chapter 6 Tanis and Laurana

Chapter 7 Farewell. The companion’s decision.

Chapter 8 Doubts. Ambush! A new friend.

Chapter 9 Suspicions grow. The Sla-Mori.

Chapter 10 The Royal Guard. The Chain Room.

Chapter 11 Lost. The plan. Betrayed!

Chapter 12 The parable of the gem. Traitor revealed. Tas’s dilemma.

Chapter 13 Questions. No answers. Fizban’s hat.

Chapter 14 Matafleur. The magic sword. White feathers.

Chapter 15 The Dragon Highlord. Matafleur’s children.


DragonLance Dragons of Autumn Twilight Chapter 6 & 7

Chapter 6

Night in a cave

Dissension. Tanis Decides.

I do love the simple sketches at the start of each chapter. It really sets the tone for what is to come.

As we continue into the book the personalities of our party of characters are really starting to come out. We can see how they compliment one another. Where one is strong another is weak. The interesting love of adventure and perhaps A.D.D. of Tasslehoff is one of those fantastic examples. We also are starting to get some of that backstory of the companions, but in small doses and only in ways that pertain to moving the story forward.

I feel one of the fantastic things that start to come forward is the motivations and fears of each of the characters. This is something that has influenced my own writing. I like to get inside a characters head so the reader (me or someone else) can really understand why they do what they do.

As a part of the story we learn that as our companions figure out how to get the Blue Crystal Staff to someone who can help them figure it out they will have to travel, but they are short on food and supplies. So this will be a tricky bit to deal with. But, in order to determine if the staff is a sign of the true gods, it could be totally worth the danger.

Chapter 7

The story of the staff

Strange clerics. Eerie Feelings.

The companions start to move out and try to figure out their order of march. They decide that sending Tasslehoff to scout ahead is the right choice, because no one will suspect a Kender traveling alone (they can be annoying to travel with), but they also tend to wander off and get distracted by whatever they find fun. So, risky but worth it.

It is revealed the Goldmoon is royalty in her tribe, and Riverwind is the exact opposite of that. But, they have been in love. They wanted to get married, but her father would not allow it unless he completed a quest. Her father attempted to find a quest he couldn’t possibly complete. He was to go find an object with holy properties that would prove the existence of ancient true gods.

When Riverwind returned with the staff they did not believe him. He was to be stoned to death for lying. Goldmoon got between him and those throwing the stones, and the staff saved them by transporting them far away.

As Riverwind is explaining all of this Tasslehoff returns from scouting and signaling danger! A party of eight clerics is coming this way, but not like any clerics the Kender has ever seen!

The clerics arrive. They are dressed strangely. Every square inch of skin is covered. They are looking for a blue crystal staff with healing powers.

Despite the possible danger Goldmoon rushes forward to help the injured Cleric with the staff!

Will she survive? Will she be hurt? We find out in the next chapter.

What is on my bookshelf?

If you are a writer you get asked what you read often. I have amassed a lot of stuff over the years. If it on this list it is in my collection. If it is fiction, I have read it, if it is non-fiction it likely got used in part if not read in whole as references for something, or it was a subject I was just curious about. Don’t read anything into the massive number of true-crime serial killer books here.

Yes, I keep a spreadsheet because at the Used Bookstores I have no control. And I may have on occasion purchased a book twice.  Yes, all of these are still with me.

Yes, the list will expand.

Author(s) Title Notes
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Allen Wold V: The Crivit Experiment Paperback
Wood Post Dates Hard Cover
Herman Wouk Caine Mutiny Paperback
Bill Yenni Hitler’s Master of the Dark Arts Hard Cover
Raffi Yessayan 8 in the Box Paperback Autographed
Raffi Yessayan 2 in the Hat Hard Cover First Edition Autographed
Josh Young Expedition Deep Ocean Hard Cover First Edition Autographed
Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Heir to the Empire Paperback
Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Dark Force Rising Paperback
Timothy Zahn Star Wars: The Last Command Paperback
Roger Zelazny This Immortal



Mickey & Minnie Storybook Collection

I think reading is a big part of how we learn the details of different subjects. We can hear someone say something, but if we aren’t equipped to read we miss nuance.

I also think that in the fictional space reading gives deep insight that other mediums do not. For instance, have you ever seen a movie and read the book and thought the movie was better?

I actually have but it is rare.

I also think that kids as well as adults are not reading like they once did.

Why is that?

Well, certainly home entertainment options have increased over the years. But also as my generation grew up reading, then video games showed up we slowed our reading. As adults streaming hit and we don’t read as often.

Kids do what they see their parents doing. So if you don’t read, and your kids don’t witness that they likely won’t.

My kids are now 9, 11, and 13 and are somewhat avid readers. When they were little I made a real effort to read to and in front of them. When reading to them I tried to keep it interesting, I tried to get them books they would appreciate.

One of those books I got for them a number of years ago was a Disney Storybook Collection. The artwork is amazing, the stories are predictable Disney and all about Mickey and Minnie, but it was a nice bonding moment to see the art, and the story and it helped them image the words.

Even now as I write this one of them is actually starting to do some creative writing of their own, and you can see the influence of the books he has read over the years.

I do believe that reading has influenced their creativity, and certainly helped them greatly in school. If I could give any advice to new parents, it would be read to, and in front of your kids. Not things you “have” to read, but things you want to read. It will bring them a lifetime of learning, and enjoyment, and you will find joy yourself.

Conan by Robert E Howard

The Conan series of books is one that has been seen in an enormous number of formats from comics to novels to short stories to movies starring Ahhhhnold.

What makes them so popular? They are fast-paced and suck you in. They are blunt, brutal, and its like the reading equivalent of getting punched in the face, it happens fast. It is very much one for someone that doesn’t want to have to pick through the politics of a George RR Martin book or keep track of what esoteric little hint of a thing someone said somewhere 150 pages ago.

According to the author it depicts Barbarism at its finest. And according to him barbarism is a natural state of mankind, it is civilization that is unnatural. Civilization is a whim of circumstance, and barbarism will always triumph.

While I don’t agree with that statement, it does come through in his writing. If you want to see civilization torn to pieces, this is a series of books for you.

I think there are 12 books in the original series, but like the more modern-day publications DragonLance there are many beyond the originals. I think there are 83 books in the series now. If you enjoy them, you certainly won’t run out anytime soon.

It is one for the fantasy lover out there. Even those who are not into Tolkein level fantasy may enjoy this series. The upside is they don’t tend to be very long, grab the first book in the series and see what you think for yourself!

I have a number of them that once belonged to my father that are from the old Ace Books printings. If you have time to read one you can probably do it across a single weekend. Great entertainment awaits!





Frank Frazetta The Death Dealer

Set at a time with the world was rife with sorcery and violence one man the Gath of Baal stood between peace and eternal war. Gath must throw down against the will of the Gods and in order to win he has to put on The Horned Helmet which turns him into death become human. The Helmet twists his soul until he becomes the ultimate destroyer, but can he escape the helmet.

And that is just book one.

This is a fantasy series, originally 4 books, but in the early 2000s there was a fifth released. These books are not just fantasy, they are action thriller or action-adventure books. These are not plot twisting political dramas, these are pure adventure and action. Lots of blood and guts in this series!

They are fast moving, fun reads. The four books in the original series are:

  • Prisoner of the Horned Helmet
  • Lords of Destruction
  • Tooth and Claw
  • Plague of Knives

The artwork is from one of the most well known elite fantasy artists of the time, Frank Frazetta. It is just amazing Cover Art. These are a personal favorite on my bookshelf and in the first release form like I have getting very hard to find.

I hope you get the chance to read them someday! They will not let you down.


V – Visitors, the original series and books

When the original miniseries V hit television in the mid 1980s it was seen by hundreds of millions of viewers. It was also turned into a novel by A.C. Crispin.

It was the story of these strange Alien Visitors to earth who came here claiming they would solve all of the Earth’s problems. Shortly after they started “helping” the truth was revealed and they weren’t here to help, they were here to harvest. But, given the way they appeared not everyone believed they were up to some nefarious deeds. Many people turned a blind eye.

It was up to a small band of resistance fighters to solve the problem. Humanity hung in the balance. They had to fight to stand up to the visitors to save the human race. They don’t have many people willing to take up the fight and are even hunted by their fellow humans.

If you remember the miniseries, you will enjoy the book. It isn’t the only one in the series, they are quick reads, and thoroughly enjoyable.

The picture below is a behind the scenes photo from the filming of that original miniseries.