A new book – Chapter 1

I finished a book, got it on the market, so it is time to move on to the next project.

Here is Chapter 1, still in need of a little editing.

Chapter One

Father Frank Santini approached the front row of pews in his ornately decorated Catholic Church.

There were a few other parishioners saying prayers, but they were not his concern at the moment. He needed a silent moment to talk to God.

He performed the sign of the crossed and knelt in silent prayer.

Heavenly Father, I have pondered long and hard the question of how to make a difference in the world You have so graciously gifted to mankind. I am absolutely certain You have a plan. However, I am now of the belief that the number of people worthy of being welcomed into Your heavenly presence is rapidly shrinking.

I believe that mankind is failing You. I can’t allow that to continue.

I would never be so arrogant as to question Your plan, or Your implementation of it. However, I can no longer agree with the bishops, cardinals or even the Pope himself in their opinion that my part of the plan is to wait and observe as it evolves…that I am to merely sit and wait for people to enter the parish doors seeking Your words.

We must go out and bring people in.

We must seek ways to get people to come through those doors and hear Your Scripture.

We must not just sit and wait for them to wonder in accidentally.

I am certain that we priests are part of Your plan to restore society to its former glory. We can help bring peace to all mankind.

Perhaps it is we who have interpreted Your plan incorrectly.

This society has decayed beyond a condition You deserve. It did so very slowly at first but now it decays more and more every single day. The pace is now so rapid that I feel I must make a change in my behavior.

I must actively seek to stop this devolution.

This society clearly no longer represents Your glory. No part of me believes that it does. You deserve better. The Church no longer is part of the lives of an overwhelming number of people. The Church, Your Church, has been transformed into a passive participant in this society…a society that is desperately in need of spiritual guidance, now more than ever before.

I must take actions to bring back Your glory, by any means necessary. Business as usually in the modern Church is just not working.

I am merely taking a lesson from history. In centuries long past, we servants of Yours were far more active in bringing Your Word to those who did not bother themselves to come through those doors into Your light. Gone, for the most part, are the days of the missionaries. Now those on missions are merely vacationers under a different name.

I am not saying this should be done by force, although history has shown cases when that has happened. There may be modern examples of when we should protect Your followers by force. There are precious few, and they should be protected just as a mother bear protects her cub.

We should expand Your influence by doing more good deeds, and not just within our own congregation. What form those good deeds take on may vary depending on the situation, but we can do it by living our lives more publicly so others can see for themselves what the result of following Your teaching can be.

It is becoming increasingly challenging for me to sit and wait for people to come in the Church seeking Your Glory. I have been idle for too long. We must take it to the people where they are. If parishes around the world do what must be done for their local community to accurately represent Your Will this world will become a much better place. It will properly reflect Your glory.

If it were not for my being called into Your service, I know I would have ended up dead or in prison by this point in my life.

Now, thankfully, I am a man of peace. I give You thanks for helping me to realize that one man can, indeed, make a difference. I am sure I am part of Your greater plan. I must be more active in bringing people into Your light and protect those already here.

I have huge concerns for those who refuse to repent for their sins. Their numbers are growing. They sometimes come into confession to ‘repent’ for the same sins over and over.

They are not repentant.

I have yet to determine just how to handle these people. I can’t possibly offer them absolution. Someday, perhaps, it will become clear to me how to deal with those undeserving of the gifts You have presented to mankind.

I know You did not form countries. The nation of earth are merely formations of people…of men and women that you DID create. As the nations of the world to continue to bear witness to the devolution of morals, a reduction in ethics, an absolute pummeling in the standards of interaction with one another, does that not directly impact Your followers.

I know You are not going to send me a personal message. That is not Your way. Someday I hope to be able to fully understand Your plan. Until then I will continue to be Your humble servant to the best of my meager ability.


He performed the sign of the cross in what was the traditional “bookend” to Catholic prayers.

As he got to his feet he was unaware of the beads of sweat covering his forehead. They were present despite the chill in the Church. This far into New England, this late in the year, at certain times of day, a chill was just unavoidable. This Church was an outstanding example of one such building.

He slowly, reverently, made his way over to his place of duty in the confessional. This was all part of his normal Friday afternoon routine.

His Parrish offered confession seven days a week. He always took Friday afternoon duty for this task. He always said a prayer to clear his mind before offering others absolution for their sins.

Immediately after he had settled into the confessional an older woman entered the confessor area and knelt. The priest slid the divider out of the way to find the woman had removed the privacy screen on her side so the two could look upon one another.

Father Frank preferred confessions done in this more intimate style. It showed no desire by the confessor to hide anything.

It also allowed him to see their eyes. Once he became a priest and began hearing confessions on a regular basis, he had come to understand that the eyes offer a window to the soul. In his mind, the soul was all that mattered.

“Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession,” Sister Mary Anne Margaret said. She was one of a dwindling number of nuns faithfully serving the Catholic Church.

“Sister, I hear your confession every week. May I say something before you begin?” inquired the priest.

“Of course you may,” replied the old woman.

“You have worked as a volunteer nurse for what, three decades?” he asked rhetorically.

“In addition to healing the sick, you have worked tirelessly to help the homeless and educate the adolescents. You are a superb example of a woman of faith and one of the most dedicated nuns I have ever met. While I know you will continue to come here every week seeking forgiveness, and I will continue to offer it, I must say you are, in general, being too hard on yourself. In the past some of what you have confessed I would not consider a sin. In some cases, these things would barely be considered a concern. I beg of you to stop being so hard on yourself. If you feel bad about that fifty dollars you took off me during the poker game, please forget about it. You had the better hand,” explained Father Frank Santini.

“Father, you, perhaps more than most, know that we all have sins. Humans are flawed beings. Now, may I continue,” asked the nun.

“Continue if you must,” he waved his had dismissively and silently wished that a large number of confessors and the public at large possessed even a few of the character traits of this woman.

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession,” she repeated herself.

“While I would not consider taking fifty dollars from a silly priest who bets with far too much confidence on a pair of jacks a sin, he should know I donated his money to the International Red Cross. I do, however, consider intolerance and attempted violence a sin. I have, unfortunately, been guilty of these things,” she said.

He could not imagine this woman committing a violent act. He could not believe it was in her to do anything that would physically harm anyone, at least not without some amazing set of external circumstance.

She took a deep breath before continuing, “I was amazingly rude to a man while working at the hospital. I had just come from nine straight hours of treating the same teenage boy, his son, who was brought into the Emergency Room overdosing on some drug. We never could determine what it was, or how much of it he had taken.”

Her voice quivered as she continued, “In the end we were unable to save him, and he died. It was a horrible, painful death. The drug was obviously not what he thought it was. He coughed up so much blood I knew he would pass-on and hour before his body finally gave up the fight.

“I took the unfortunate duty of informing his father of the boy’s passing. I just could not cope with the man’s response to the news,” her voice became more resolute with each word.

“What was the man’s response?” he asked. He was still having problems envisioning this woman treating anyone rudely must less physically assaulting them. He was starting to understand that she had been under serious stress.

He suddenly realized that he had moved forward on his seat and was completely caught up in the woman’s far from routine confession.

So far, this confession was not even in his top ten worst, but considering the source, he was caught up in it.

He wondered if he was caught up in this as part of his desire to be more involved in changing the world for the better, to more accurately reflect His glory.

Perhaps it had spawned from his childhood, and more specifically from his teen years when he got in a lot of trouble. He wanted to help this woman, but he wanted to be active, his soul was tired of being passive. God must have wanted an active priest, why else would he be here wearing these robes?

“He told me,” she made air quotes with her fingers, “that ‘I have been telling him to get out of the crap he was into. Services his dumb ass right.’ Father, such disregard for human life, for his own son, I snapped. I could not help myself. I shouted such things at the man. I am ashamed of myself. I screamed obscenities. I tried to physically attack him. If there had not been an Orderly holding me back, I swear I would have. The man was completely devoid of human emotion. He just stood there as I was screaming and shrugged his shoulders.”

Father Frank felt as though a switch had been thrown in his head. He could finally envision this woman behaving in such an uncharacteristic way. He wondered how he would have reacted in the same situation. Probably the same as she had, if not worse.

He wanted to help this woman. He did not want to just offer absolution but also let her know what she had done was exactly the right thing, and not a sin in the eyes of God. Clergy are meant to protect people from evil.

“From the sound of it, as we used to say when I was a kid down in Quincy, that the man needed a beatin’. I am sure that if virtually anyone else on the planet had been there it would have been far worse for him,” Father Frank said.

He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts, “I think the Lord above will understand your actions. I also believe He would like you to learn more patience,” he said.

He couldn’t believe with one ounce of his being that this woman needed forgiveness. He didn’t consider her response anything other than a human reaction, and certainly not a sin.

“Perhaps your actions stirred something in him. Perhaps, in the long run, your actions will save him from eternal damnation,” he said attempting to put her at ease.

“Sister, in all the time I have known you I have seen you do a great deal to spread the Catholic Faith. However, it occurs to me that I have never once heard of you doing any work with the youngest of His followers, for example, with children in the kindergarten or first grade age groups. Do I have that correct?” he asked.

“You are correct. I have never worked with children that young unless they came into the hospital in need of treatment,” she clarified.

“In order to be absolved of your sin you must learn patience. I want you to spend all week working mornings with our new kindergarten teacher. She needs as much help as she can early in the day. That is when the children are at their most rambunctious. They have just woken up and in many cases their parents have filled them full of sugary cereals. As a result of the bad nutritional choices these kids are really bouncin’ off the walls and you must be patient with them,” he instructed her.

He suddenly realized he was letting his rarely heard Boston accent make an appearance. He sometimes slipped into the less formal verbal style on those occasions when he felt it was necessary to remove stress from a situation.

“Now, please, go, do what you normally do after coming here. Go to the hospital and volunteer for the hectic Friday night shift in the emergency room,” he finished.

“Thank you, Father,” she said as she left the confessional.

Last Friday, while hearing confessions, there had been a line of people waiting to confess their sins. This week was difference. There were scarce few parishioners, Fridays were like that.

He sat in silence, lost in thought for a few moments before the indicator light came on signaling someone had entered the confessional to his right. He slid aside the wooden divider. On the confessor side he saw a woman who, like the nun, had removed the privacy screen.

The confessor was even more unusual than merely removing the privacy device. She was on the younger side of forty, amazingly physically fit, and was looking at him directly in the eyes This behavior is extremely rare among confessors.

She did not speak for a moment. Perhaps it had been some time since she had confessed, if ever, and just didn’t understand, or remember, the traditional process.

He knew from experience how to get the ball rolling when this sort of thing happened.

“How may I help you my dear?” he asked the woman whom he had seen at Sunday Services, but had never spoken with directly.

“Father, I have been bad. Sinned, I guess you would say. I have not admitted that in many years,” she said maintaining constant eye contact.

A smirk crossed her face. Father Frank found himself annoyed by this. Typically, at this point, confessors who initially looked up had cast their eyes downward in shame.

Did this woman have no shame? No remorse for her sins? Was he just misreading her?

Surely remorse was in there somewhere and she was just that rare person who made eye contact no matter what the situation.

“Please, continue. You should have no fear of your statements being known outside the confessional,” he felt he must be misreading her. That had to be it.

He was glad to have a confessor who had returned after what appeared to be a long absence from the confessional. Returning people usually indicated someone search for help, or even better, an awakening of the soul.

He found himself happy about the fact that she was here making an attempt, albeit an odd one.

Despite her non-traditional approach to confession he was sure he could help her just as he had absolved so many others of their sins. Through his fifteen years of experience hearing confessions he had developed what he considered to be a flawless methods of determining who needed to do some work before peace with God could be achieved, and who was at some level ready to be forgiven.

“Oh, it isn’t fear. I am not afraid, and I am really happy with the person that I am. I am just searching for the best way to explain this. I guess I will just start from the beginning, as it is a little complicated,” she said.

She took a very deep breath before continuing, “I am married. My husband and I are very happy, for the most part. He is my emotional soul mate, if you believe in that sort of thing,” she paused for a moment.

Her eyes cast momentarily downward at the mention of her husband. Then just as quickly as she had looked down, she went right back to her direct contact.

“He is a very talented engineer, and I am a housewife. We have no kids. We tried to for a while and eventually discovered we can’t for medical reasons. That’s fine, I have no internal angst over it. If we weren’t meant to reproduce then we weren’t meant to.”

“Life as a housewife is just so boring that I began looking for ways to make my day-to-day life more exciting. You see Father, I have always loved adrenaline. I like a little danger in my life, thanks to that feeling, that rush I get through my veins. It is amazing,” she explained.

He preferred to let people confess in their own way at their own speed if time permitted. It helped him understand the person, and their motivation behind their sins a little better. Once he understood the motivating factors, he could determine their worthiness to receive absolution. This woman was certainly taking her time, getting to the actual sins in a roundabout way.

“Over a decade ago, I started finding ways to fill that adrenaline need by taking mixed martial arts classes. I love them. They help me to stay sexy which I like, and for a long time made me feel good by offering that hint of danger I was lacking in my life. My trouble all started when I got pretty good at it. As a result of my skill level increasing, the rush I got out of it declined, and my need for adrenaline was no longer being met.”

Father Santini was listening intently as she spoke. So far this was the most unusual confession he had hear in some years. He was still not clear what, if anything, her sin had been. Perhaps his concern about her lack of remorse was because she had nothing to feel remorseful about. Perhaps she was just looking for someone to talk to and that was the only real reason she came in. That sort of thing happened from time to time.

She continued to look him directly in the eyes, “I also love sex I just can’t get enough of it. My husband and I probably have the best love life any married couple can expect.”

“About a year ago my martial arts classes really stopped providing me any kind of rush. So, I started looking for ways to fulfill my adrenaline need, so I decided to combine the two things. I asked my husband to try some new things with me, sexually. Bondage, that sort of thing. He tried for a while but none of it really worked for me. He wasn’t really all that into it. The whole thing was just awkward. It wasn’t in him to do it right.”

“After that, I slept with the man who lives next door. I did it in such a way we could have easily been caught. We didn’t get caught, but I also didn’t get a rush out of it at all. I tried a couple of times in riskier and riskier ways for tit work for me, but it failed. Then, recently, I gave up on that useless idea and decided to try something else. So, I started hiring myself out as a prostitute,” she said almost proudly.

She was still staring him directly in the eyes with no sign of shame or remorse at all. At her final sentence Father Frank involuntarily jolted. This was perhaps the worst sin of betrayal he had heard in his many years on this side of the confessional. The covenant with her husband had been violated in ways he could not yet think of words to describe. Her oath before God during the marriage ceremony had not just been violate…it had been shattered.

She continued before he could bring himself to utter a sound, “Father, it fulfills my needs. It filled it VERY well. I know what I am doing is dangerous. I know I could get hurt or even killed but knowing that just adds to the rush. I know I should probably stop, but I also know nothing else will ever give me this kind of rush. So, what choice do I have? I have to keep on doing it.”

“The problem is that I just feel a little bad about what I am doing. I don’t want my husband to find out. At the same time, I don’t want to stop. The situation just makes me feel a little guilty. Now, all of that ‘feeling bad’ stuff will go away if you can just forgive me in the eyes of the Lord. Once you do that, I can keep doing what I am doing, and everything will be juuuusssstttt fine.”

The priest was simultaneously glad this woman had come to confession and aghast at her behavior not to mention her request. He thanked God for sending this woman here as a test of his abilities.

Perhaps his prayers for new challenges was being answered? But this?

“My dear…that Lord will forgive many things, but you first most do everything I ask of you,” he said.

“I will do anything,” she said matter of factly.

“You must STOP! Immediately. You must not behave in this fashion any longer. You must seek help from a professional psychologist. They will help you find a way to feel fulfilled without violation any of the promises you made to your husband in the eyes of our Lord. When you were married you promised to forsake all others. Have you forgotten this?” he looked at her for any sign of regret and found none. He hoped his words would get through. He very much wanted to save her from eternal damnation, but he had to see some signal from her she was ready to be saved, if one was in there.

“Once you have done that, come back here to the Church, and in your own words, say a private prayer. Explain to our Lord that you have changed your ways and how you plan to be a better wife going forward. Do these things and I am sure you will be forgiven. Through His forgiveness you will, ultimately, be welcomed into Heaven. Without taking these steps, I have no way of knowing what God has in store for your eternal soul. However, I feel confident in saying it will not be pleasant,” he said.

He was trying to be direct with her, hoping against hope that she would listen. He knew, long term, these would be just the first steps on the long road to redemption.

“Father, wait, didn’t God create us in his image? Because of that isn’t He responsible for my having these urges. It has to be His fault. It can’t possibly be mine. I don’t want to stop. I can’t stop. I just want this guilty feeling to go away. Is there not some prayer I can say? Perhaps some volunteer work I can do? Then God forgive me, and my life will be in balance. The good I would be doing would be balancing out the bad,” she replied still staring him unwaveringly in her direct eye contact.

He hoped she did not take note of his frustration. He knew this type of “I can do anything I want” attitude was growing societally, but this was the worst possible manifestation of it he could have imagined.

“My child, that isn’t how this works. This isn’t a traffic court you go to when you had one too many speeding tickets. In order to be forgiven for our sins we must actually be sorry for committing them. This is very clear in Scripture. Premeditatedly committing them, knowing they are wrong really only makes matters worse. You must stop! I beg of you!” He hoped his insistence would help this woman see the folly of her ways.

He hoped her soul was not already gone. He also hoped no one outside the confessional could hear him yell at her, as his volume was certainly rising.

“Well, thanks anyway. I just can’t do that. All I really wanted was to not feel guilty. I guess I can just go out and do it more often. I guess then I will be so busy I won’t have time to think about it. That could solve the problem,” she sat back from her kneeling position and prepared to depart the confessional.

“Father, perhaps someday you and the rest of the clergy will understand where everyone else is coming from. Keeping one’s physical self-satisfied is the modern way. Is it, in reality, the most important part of life. I don’t want to tell you how to do your job but if God really did create us in his image it must be ok. Maybe you should study some more. I am sure all this is in Scripture somewhere. Try Googling it.”

“Besides there is a huge event in the theater district tomorrow night, and I can’t miss the fun,” she left the confessional with the Priest sitting alone and confused.

Father Frank could not understand how anyone could attempt to pervert Holy Scripture in this fashion. How could she interpret Catholic teachings in such a way as to justify this behavior?

He sat and listened to confessions for the next hour. He could not help fuming at himself over his lack of ability to help that woman. Perhaps she was beyond any help other than what the Old Testament taught. He felt perhaps this woman was one of those people who could not be dealt with passively. She needed a boost.

This could be a person who did not deserve to live in the world God had so graciously gifted to mankind.

How could he, a man of peace, a man of God, protect the innocent from such evil?

Lucifer himself must have sent his woman to earth. God surely had guided her into the Church, but she could not be His creation. She must be a challenge sent here to test a mere clergyman.

The innocent people such as this woman’s husband must be protected from the evil within her. She must be sent from Satan to infiltrate the world and draw people into the evil pathways that only lead to eternal damnation.

There must be a way to protect the innocent from such evil. There must be.

He must find a way to offer that protection.

Perhaps it was too late for this woman.

Her soul must be lost. He had to think. What was it that he was meant to do in this case?

A chapter from an upcoming book

This new project is a bit of a departure from my other work, but dang is it fun for me. I hope when it is finished I can make it come out on the page like I see it in my head.

This is a little rough, but here we go! Another Chapter from this one, and this may be the last that I post until the novel is done.

They were everywhere. Slowly walking through the crisp night air. Earlier in the day he decided that he just had to find her. He had to, find a way, no matter what, stop her poorly chosen course of action. He must protect her innocent husband. He had to protect the innocents she was harming with her choices.

As a priest he was the sword and the shield of God. There was far more at stake than just her husband. He had to take this small step. He had to protect mankind from this evil, by any means necessary.

He was having difficulty keeping his eyes on the road while trying to locate her. He said a silent prayer of thanks for the lack of rainfall. The full moon was also helping make this Saturday night brighter than most.

Many of the streetlights did not work these days due to some budget cutback or other. The government continued to make many of these cuts in as many highly visible ways as possible. The more visible the cutback the better, for political reasons. Every layer of government called it a time of fiscal crisis. They did this all the while they continued to increase the salaries of the highest-ranking government employees by enormous percentages every year.

Apparently light bulbs were too expensive, but the enormous salaries for the ones that decided not to keep the lights working were perfectly acceptable. To Father Frank it was just another example of the rapid decay of morals and ethics finding ways into all portions of life.

He could see them, they were mixed in with the normal pedestrians who were on their way to dinner, or perhaps a show. He saw them, the original peddlers of sin. They were walking around advertising their primal services. They were mixed in with the crowd and moved around mostly unnoticed due to how many of them there were.

Maybe she had already found a customer and he was too late. He had to find her. He could not lose faith, his search had to be successful. God wanted him to find her.

As he continued through what remained of the more upscale part of the Boston Theater District, he saw many more of them. These would be the expensive ones. These women had to be the prostitutes that parishioners came in and confessed to being with. He always saw just how bad people’s emotional lives got after giving into this kind of temptation. He saw them as the aftermath, as good people tried to make peace with giving in to temptation. He helped them deal with that guilt.

The women were walking the streets like they had a destination in mind. In a manner of speaking he supposed they did.

They all had their own way of showing off their “product.” Most were doing this by wearing clothing with as little fabric as humanly possible without exposing the last few vital patches of skin. It was an impressive thing really, especially given the cold night air.

Then he saw her. The one he was looking for. He saw her first from behind. She had a shapely 5’8” frame, and brown hair down to the center of her back. Her real name was Lisa, but who knew what she used out here. He knew most women in this “profession” would use a fake name. His misspent youth had given him some experience in this area. When he thought about that part of his life now it seemed like someone else had done these things.

Maybe he was wrong, maybe this one used her real name. It didn’t matter, this was the woman he sought.

That was her, it was definitely her, she was the one that did this, not out of financial necessity, but out of her lust for danger, her desire for danger and sex. He still wondered how she could od this and still think of herself as committed to her marriage. It was pure evil that enabled her to behave in this fashion. In their marriage they had plenty of money, plenty of love. At least in one direction. She had no real need other than her perverted lust for danger and carnal pleasure.

He slowed the Jeep that had been his since before becoming a priest and lowered the window. “Excuse me. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Father Frank hoped he could remember the entire pretense he had decided on that he hoped would get her in the vehicle. He hoped his story would be believable. It did have the ring of truth to it; at least he believed he did.

She strutted over to the car in her high-heeled boots, short red skirt and ludicrously low-cut shirt revealing as much cleavage as she was physically able. She had attempted to disguise her identity through heavy makeup, but this was definitely the woman he sought.

He would never forget the unique shade of blue in her eyes. He felt that looking at them in the confessional offered him a view into her twisted and evil soul. Here on the street he saw that same evil. Nothing had changed since he spoken with her. It was actually worse than he originally thought. Now that he saw her out here, he felt that perhaps it was too late for her.

“Sure. Hey, I know you. What is a Holy Man like you doing out here? Wait, did you come out here to try to talk me out of this?” she asked.

“Would it do any good if I tried?” he asked. The grimace that went along with his statement was something he practiced in the mirror hoping it would persuade her to believe his story.

“None at all,” she said flatly and without hesitation.

“Look, I will be blunt. Even men in my more rarified profession get stressed and have certain needs. Pressure builds up. Normally I can handle things myself, in a manner of speaking. Right now, I am in desperate need of some major relief. I have not been able to get you off my mind since we spoke,” that much was absolutely true.

“I am, after all, human. I think you are the one type of woman whom can help me with the problem I am struggling with, and I think both of us can get something out of this,” he said, hoping it didn’t sound too rehearsed or desperate. He thought he may have rambled on a little too long.

There was zero hesitation as she opened the door. “This will be a first. I can legitimately claim this is one thing even I never dreamed of doing. I don’t know if I should call this kinky or just bizarre. Either way, I am in,” she said as she climbed into the car.

“How much?” he asked as he quickly pulled away from the curb worrying that he might sound too nervous. It didn’t matter, he was going to stop her tonight, one way or the other.

“For you?!? All things considered, if you will answer one question for me, I will do you for free. To whom will you confess this sin?” she asked flirtatiously, not caring about the answer.

He let out a genuine laugh, “Any other priest can hear my confession.” It was the last thing he expected her to ask.

As they drove to the motel where he had already taken a room for the night, he hoped the inane chitchat would not give away his nervousness. He still wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do, but he was taking steps.

He was firm in his belief that the Savior would once again return to walk amongst mankind. Father Frank believed that the moral state of a world eternally at war that the Savior was needed more now than it had been in a long time. Lacking the return of THE Savior, perhaps a messenger of his would serve for the moment. Perhaps he was the messenger who could put the world on a road back toward the light. Perhaps that process could start with this woman.

Driving around looking for this woman, looking at the deviant underside of society had solidified Father Frank’s belief that the world was in urgent need of His return. The Priest was more confident than ever that the actions he intended to take this night would be the first steps on the road back toward the light for the world. It would all start with this woman.

The half-truths/half-lies he told this woman would serve the greater good. Yes, he was deceiving her but that was necessary to serve the greater good. Frank believed in old world justice, old world values. Scripture was very clear in its message of God being the ultimate authority on justice. The Priest believed those who served him on the worldly plane of existence were meant to help in delivering people to the Lord for justice.

She saw his mind drifting and shifted his focus back to the situation immediately at hand.

“At this point I would usually ask what it is you want. In this case I am going to guess you don’t have too many ideas. Should I offer up a few suggestions?” she asked while gently running a finger around her ample breast, slightly exposing a nipple in the process. It was a well-practiced move.

“I do have something in mind. You know, just because I am a man of God doesn’t mean that I have neither understanding of, nor fantasies about the pleasures of the flesh. Besides, in the confessional, people tell me all kinds of things. Some parishioners like to describe their sins with loads and loads of detail. Normally the things they confess sexually are things that they have done with someone other than their spouse. Every once in a while, I start to think that some people come in so they can brag instead of confess,” he said.

This admission of his was accurate. He had decided to tell her the absolute truth whenever practical. He had no worries about her believing his story. God must be helping him. Surely, he had Diving protection. Why wouldn’t he? At least he could stop her on this night.

“What is it you want to do to me?” she asked.

“I want to bind you to the bed. Your hands and feet will be spread to the four corners. Then I will cut the clothes from your body, then move my tongue from your breasts slowly down to your womanhood. Finally, when I am convinced you are exhausted by orgasm after orgasm. I will thrust my manhood inside you. When I climax, I will spread my seed across your lovely breasts,” he said. Perhaps this night would bring the Return of the Lord through this woman.

“My, my, you are a naughty boy. Normally I am not a big fan of being tied up, because I like to be able to move around. For you, I will let that rule slide,” she said as they arrived at the hotel. She could not wait to have this man inside her. She was pleased they had arrived quickly. Her heart was beating quickly in anticipation. This was not a sensation she experienced often, but she was finding enjoyable.

He opened the door and they entered the non-descript, inexpensive motel room. She had noticed while on the way that they were not in a good part of town, and far from where she called home. In fact, it was a fairly bad part of town, but she was used to that. Perhaps not this bad, but not far from it. Many of her customers, even the very wealthy, preferred parts of town where no one would ask questions. The room certainly had everything they needed for the next few hours.

He pushed her to the bed in what he hoped would be a playful fashion. He reached into the nightstand drawer where he had pre-placed some long strips of leather. He used them to tie her to the bed.

Her heard began beating faster.

The further things progress, the calmer he became.

She winced in pain as he tightened them more than someone doing this sort of thing normally would. She ignored the pain, merely attributing it to his inexperience in sexual play, besides the pain excited her.

He pulled out an eight-inch, razor sharp hunting knife from the drawer. He swiftly cut the clothes from her body. She moaned in apparent pleasure. He was unsure if it was part of a show for him, or if she was really enjoying this, not that it mattered. He wondered what clothing she planned on wearing home. He supposed that in time her clothing, or lack of it, would be irrelevant.

Finally, he pulled a gag from the drawer. He shoved it in her mouth and tied the strap behind her head. Her eyes grew wide as she moaned again. Now he was certain that this evil woman was enjoying this bizarre situation.

With her fully prepared he looked upon her naked body. He could not help but admire the primitive nature of her curves. The raw, animalistic lust it must invoke in most men was obvious in point of origin.

It didn’t matter. His frustration with being unable to fix the world around him in the eyes of God was now boiling over.

No doubt about one thing, she was the epitome of attractive woman. Original sin had come from another attractive woman, and she had been dealt with.

He prayed silently. He was sure God could hear.

My Lord, you know of my love for You. I want nothing more than for this world to once again reflect Your image. Humans, such as the one before me, are obviously under Lucifer’s influence, and to him they must be sent. I pray for her trip to the afterlife to be sift so that she may face Your justice. Amen.

He finished the prayer and stood over the bed with the knife still clenched in his right hand. He saw her look to his crotch and notice his lack of physical excitement. Her eyes then quickly moved to meet his. Her expression of excitement replaced by one of confusion.

Perhaps, in addition to his lack of erection, his still being fully clothed led her to understand this was something other than the sexual tryst she was led to believe. She looked back to the knife in his hand and noticed he had on latex gloves. She hadn’t seen that before, and the look in her eyes grew wide with panic. She was no longer confused. She pulled on the leather holding her to the bed, attempting to free herself.

He thrust the knife at her chest. She rocked her mid-section to one side. She was very flexible.

The knife missed its mark. He had wanted to stab her in the heart. All he managed was to leave a long, deep cut across her torso. Blood began to flow and leave a red pool on the bed sheets.

She let out a noise that was far from the sounds she had uttered in many other cheap motel rooms. This one sounded like a wounded cat.

The leather straps were too strong to be broken. She managed to pull one arm hard enough that a part of the bed broke, and she suddenly had one arm free.

She punched him in the solar plexus.

She freed her other extremities and made her way to the side of the room where the Priest was trying to stand or even take a deep breath.

A much-practiced knee to the face sent him tumbling across the room. He had lost all ability to get his feet under him. Blood was flowing from his nose and down his face.

He managed somehow to stagger to one foot and a knee. He brandished the knife hoping to keep her back while he regrouped for a second try at her heart.

A small grin crossed her face despite the pulsating pain in her side. The Priest had no way of knowing that she had mastered disarming a knife wielding assailant years before.

He lunged at her in an attempt to have the blade find her heart. He missed completely as she spun out of the way. In the process she grabbed his arm, throwing him to the ground as the knife flew across the room in the opposite direction, and well out of his reach. Certain that he wasn’t an immediate threat she went for the knife.

He found himself confused and on the floor. His rattled brain was telling him to stay down and figure out how to stop the pain.

A voice in his head told him to get up. He fought the urge to vomit and instead pulled a gun from the inner pocket of his jacket. He had thought this night through, complete with backup plan.

From the outset he thought the knife would be the optimal silent solution. A gun would have to do.

He fired twice, once in her chest, once in the head.

She fell to the floor with her head making a very disturbing, wet, squishy sound. He thought it sounded a bit too much like an overly wet sponge falling onto a tile floor. The second bullet had taken a portion of her brain and scattered the grey sticky substance with thick bloody streaks on the walls behind her. It started to slowly work its way down the wall. Some pieces of her skull littered the floor. Portions of it had shattered as the bullet exited her head and left rice sized pieces of bone on the floor.

It had been so easy. It was easier than he thought it would have been to release her twisted soul from the physical body.

He quickly gathered his things and left the room. He was now very glad he kept the German made pistol his grandfather had brought back as a memento from his time in Europe during World War II. It was the only thing left to him in his beloved grandfather’s last will and testament.

He knew in this neighborhood the police would see the scene for what it was. A murdered prostitute. No major investigation would be launched.

He climbed back into his Jeep, took off the gloves, and wiped his forehead free of sweat. He cleaned the blood from his face on the towel he had taken from the room and pulled out of the parking lot.

He wanted to make his way back to the Church and pray.

His opening salvo in the Holy War to reclaim God’s Earth had been fired.

His position of honor in Heaven would be certain.

COVID, the Holidays and Depression

This time of year is full of all kinds of stress in a normal year. Seasonal depression is a real thing, especially for parents, people distant from family and friends, you name it there is a reason for people to be bummed out between now and the end of the year.

This year is especially weird. We have seasonal depression/anxiety, COVID stresses, election anxiety, a year of protests, political division, kids stuck inside, distance learning, distance working, massive unemployment numbers, the list goes on and on.

While I as a mere technical guy who also writes books on occasion can’t solve any of these things I can use what voice I have to urge anyone suffering from these problems to call someone. Family, friend, a hotline, the guy who used to hangout at the local bar when that was allowed…someone. Don’t try to get through it alone.

If you are stuck in a rut it only gets worse. Give something new a try and perhaps turn off the news once in a while. It may help.

Cult of Personality, 80s tune or fortune telling?

As we all sit back and watch another Presidential election and have one side of the other call people names, lash out, or insult 1/3 of the voting public at any given time I find myself thinking about this 80s tune more and more. Cult of Personality by Living Colour. Other than some iconic guitar work the song brings an amazing message that is applicable as much today as ever.

Let’s look at the lyrics.

Look in my eyes, what do you see?
The cult of personality
I know your anger, I know your dreams
I’ve been everything you want to be
I’m the cult of personality
Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I’m the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality

We see right off the bat that they are talking about politicians, and get the hint that the lyricist doesn’t trust them.

Neon lights, a Nobel Prize
Then a mirror speaks, the reflection lies
You don’t have to follow me
Only you can set me free
I sell the things you need to be
I’m the smiling face on your T.V.
I’m the cult of personality
I exploit you still you love me

President Obama won the Nobel Prize before he really did much in office, and that’s fine, it doesn’t bother me just a ton. The majority of former Presidents and some world leaders are given the Nobel Peace Prize and hey, Nobel committee, good for you, but if this is a “given” just for being elected does that make the prize a huge deal or just a “oh here ya go” kind of thing (at least the Peace Prize, as someone with a degree in Physics, the other prizes really matter).

I tell you one and one makes three
I’m the cult of personality
Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
I’m the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality

Now they are letting us know that politicians who are being voted for because “well that’s my guy” can say just about anything and get away with it, and expect their followers to just believe it. How often have we seen flatly untrue things said during this election and people believe it. Far too many in my opinion.

Neon lights a Nobel Prize
A leader speaks, that leader dies
You don’t have to follow me
Only you can set you free

Go back to the refrain. Just for a reminder.

You gave me fortune
You gave me fame
You gave me power in your own god’s name
I’m every person you need to be
Oh, I’m the cult of personality
I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of
I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of personality

Politicians are trying to be everything to everybody. They can’t be. Leaders do what is the right thing to do, not the popular thing. They have limited powers, despite all the Presidential contenders promising to “lock people up” for reasons we don’t completely fathom (we have a thing called due process). We have allowed them to become these cults of personality, we have given them power, fame, fortune, and yes, some people hold certain ones above God.

If you haven’t seen it, head over to YouTube and watch the video.

Re-read of DragonLance Chronicles Book 2 is done

I have been re-reading the DragonLance Chronicles series for the first time since the 1980s. I first discovered these books when only 2 were available and had to wait for the 3rd to hit the market. I actually remember finding them to this day.

I was at a mall in Dallas, I’m sure my Dad dropped me off for a while with instructions to meet him at a specific time (I didn’t have a driver’s license yet). I had some cash and it was time to chill out, and the mall had an arcade so I was good to go.

I wandered around for a bit before I went to the arcade, hit the bookstore (yes I am that guy) bought the first two books thinking they would be kinda cool and headed to the arcade.

After playing video games until I ran out of quarters (saving enough for a coke) I headed to where Dad was going to pick me up. I probably had an hour or something left.

I remember the books sucked me in from the very start.

The characters are relatable, and likable and the good versus evil is compelling.

Everything about the books just work. The politics is even relatable. You have elves versus humans (different political factions) versus dwarves, all thinking they know what is best for everyone. Each pushing those beliefs for “the good of all.” It was a depth I didn’t notice then but I do now.

The writing even shows what motivates the characters inside their fantasy world, it isn’t just blundering about from fight to fight. That is interesting today but as a teen helped me understand some people. Some are motivated by power, some by money, some loyalty and others just fun.

The books teach us (the younger and older readers who have forgotten) that working together we can defeat evil or overcome obstacles, but when we allow ourselves to be divided or pulled apart we have challenges.

It also shows that sometimes you have to think out of the box and get people’s attention no matter what. Tasslehoff Burrfoot is a prime example of this.

The writing is so good that at the end you can feel the emotional pain that people who survived the battle go through as they mourn their loved ones.

Now, I know some people will say it is kid stuff and I’m not a kid. I disagree this is a great read for anyone, even if you aren’t a huge fan of the fantasy genre. Give is a shot.

It will help you forget all about the daily challenges of life.

My copy isn’t nearly as nice as this picture, but I do have one with this original cover.

Please read and enjoy, and Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman thank you for helping a teenager become a lifelong reader (eventually a writer myself) and helping me to understand the people I encounter in my daily life!

The Mandalorian – Star Wars Epic

I need to preface this with I am old enough that I saw the first Star Wars movie in the theater with my dad. I have very fond memories of that day. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before or since theatrically speaking.

To say that the Mandalorian has captured SciFi and Star Wars fans attention is to do it a discredit. The show has captured new viewers to the genre and generated one of the most popular (non political) memes in forever. Yes, Baby Yoda.

I have been watching the show as soon as I can as the episodes come out and I like them. What I find unique about them is that unlike the movies it allows us to get really in depth into a single character. That allows us to really understand what it is like in this make-believe Universe.

Even being directed by different directors the episodes just flow and hold together well. I think that spawns from them finding people who are not just seasoned directors but they also have people who are Star Wars fans behind the scenes. That and each episode can hold up on its own, so you can drop in a casual watcher and it holds.

The action is great, the special effects are great, there is very little I could think of to improve the show.

It even remembers to bring the funny. Because what parent can’t relate to the problems Mando is having with a toddler who has Jedi powers.

Lucifer – Great Entertainment

One of the tragedies of the pandemic shutdown (and this isn’t news to anyone) is the lack of production on television and movies.

They were halfway through a new season of one of my favorite (Lucifer) when everything stopped.

What is Lucifer you ask?

Well if you haven’t seen it Lucifer is now over on Netflix and the basic premise is what happens if the Devil gets bored down in hell and decides to “retire” from his eternal job.

He moves to Los Angeles, buys a night club (really nice one) hand helps the LAPD find criminals, because he kind of misses punishing people from time to time. Part time is fine but full time he’s kinda tired of.

Ok ok I get it, the premise is silly, and let’s face it a buddy cop show with the devil as a partner, how’s that gonna work.

Well it does.

Did I mention the bar he owns has lots of hot women/men is in virtually every episode and he delivers a series of one liners that are just hilarious?

For instance when looking at some suspects he sees a redhead.

His answer? “Oh how about that ginger chap, soulless bastards even give me the creeps.”

Ok it doesn’t work that well typed in a BLOG but on video…hilarious.

Add to that he gets upset when people scream out God (you know…women) and he’s forced to leave a good time because he and his dad (God) have a few issues.

If you haven’t seen it, and you have Netflix, watch the first two episodes, you won’t be sorry. Then drop me a line and tell me if you agree, disagree or if you think I am absolutely nuts.

World War 1 – Has much changed?

We have all sat and watched the news over the last decade and seen a reasonable amount of things change through that time. But have things changed that much fundamentally around the world?

I have been locked up (off and on) throughout the year due to COVID-19, and like many people have had to find things to do. One of the things that has occupied my time is working on a few writing projects (see the books area of this website) and reading a lot more.

One of the things I have been reading is about the history of World War 1, not just the battles but the politics of how it all started and I found a few things of interest.

First, it wasn’t just an assassination that caused it, that was the excuse but had that not happened something else would have kicked it off.

The largest contributing factor was really the way the world was governed at the time. There wasn’t really a democracy governing much of the planet besides the United States and a little bit in England (the Kind and Parliament were splitting duties a bit).

Mainly it was smaller countries not wanting to be governed by some aristocracy from some other nation. These aristocracies were made up of the same families just inheriting the governing position handed down from parent to child, and then these royal families would only marry into other royal families so at the time they were basically all cousins, half brothers, etc.

Now, we live in a world where, increasingly, if you aren’t born into a family with either a political background and therefore connections and family name recognition, or a family with tons of money and therefore less dependent upon donors you don’t stand a shot at being in leadership (and I’m not just talking about being President this goes to other offices as well).

Now, fast forward to 2021 in the USA and we are arguing about the validity of an election to fight over which person from this class of modern day aristocracy gets to be in charge.

Have we really changed or do we just call it something else now?

I’m not sure I’m smart enough to answer that question but I feel that it is one we must consider.

2021 versus 2020 and the next generation

So far 2021 is starting out just as stressful as 2020, and it has the potential to be either a disaster or to bring us out of the insanity. Too early to tell which way that’s gonna go.

One thing that happened in 2020 is the impact of everything on kids. Early in the calendar year late last school year in large numbers they were thrown out of their classrooms into distance learning with mixed results. Some kids thrived academically, some kids didn’t (this was largely down economic lines).

We had a curtailment of normal kid activities from sports to birthday parties. At a time when kids are learning the social skills we curtailed those skills, and let’s face it as a nation we have forgotten civility in many ways.

In 2021 we need to do better, and yes I mean for kids, however it goes further than that. We HAVE to be an example to the next generation, we have to be civil once again without regard to political party.

We must stop the name calling, we must stop the division, most of all in 2021 we have to learn how to have fun. Fun needs to be the name of the game, we need to relax, we need to be there for people in our lives without an agenda. Help your neighbor without thought of if it will immediately benefit you.

Let’s be adults again in 2021, and let’s enjoy ourselves, but stay safe all at the same time.

DragonLance Chronicles Volume 1

I have posted about my re-read of this series a few times. But I’m going to go through them book by book with some little mini-posts.

As you can tell I’m not using a stock photo of the book, that one is probably my second (or third) copy. The first one(s) having been loaned out and never returned. But it is an early one so it has followed me around for a long time.

I have recently been re-reading the DragonLance books, starting with the earliest of them written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Turn back the clock to 1985 when Dungeons and Dragons was a thing but not a massive thing, it was still on the growth swing.

These books were developed to basically be a DND party going through their adventures. They weren’t the lowest-level characters, but they weren’t the high-level ones they would become in later novels.

The books were, simply put amazing. I was 13 when they came out and starting to get to bookstores on my own (and still do but my wife won’t let me go alone anymore).

The first book Dragons of Autumn Twilight honestly begins with a bang. A group of friends return for a reunion and discover their peaceful meeting place had been taken over. They return to find war is about to break out and somehow, they end up meeting two barbarians who hold one of the objects that could cause the start of that war.

What I find fascinating about the book, and the author’s style is that it is compelling, I really want to turn pages as fast as I can, not sleeping until I am done. I remember when I first picked this book up in 1985 only two books in the series were available. I shot through them in a week, my dad shot through them in a weekend. It was the first book we really read together and talked about that you could tell my dad would have read without doing so for his kid.

Now, at the age of 40 something (ok late 40 something) I am re-reading them. I am instantly transported back into the land of Krynn and have a new, and different experience with them. Is it better? I certainly appreciate it more, and I also find that I strive to become a better writer myself as a result of the hard work that went into these novels.

Remember at this stage there were three books planned, so the reader knows the story is going to grow. The author has to set that hook in a way that gets you to come back for story 2 and 3, and in the case of DragonLance for many many more to come. This book achieves that goal in a huge way. It has the right level of detail without going nuts (I love George RR Martin but come on…his books can get dense).

Highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t read them to pick these books up and read them as quickly as you can. I don’t write in this genre but I can’t say that they haven’t influenced me. The way the authors intertwine the action and adventure sequences with the human story is amazing, and something many more authors should strive to do regardless of genre, for it is that human struggle that compels me to turn pages. The action matters, but the human side of the story turns a good book into a great book.

While you are here go click on the books page and check out some of my work. Have a great day! Thanks for visitin.